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  • Writer's pictureSudip Nair

Product Category 3 : Forever Living Aloe Vera based Personal Care Products

Updated: Aug 26, 2018

Products that we use for our daily needs like brushing an taking a bath are also linked to Aloe Vera. Research and science has proven that Aloe Vera provides benefits to even personal care products.

· A study published in General Dentistry reported that Aloe vera in tooth gels is as effective as toothpaste in fighting cavities.

· The researchers compared the germ-fighting ability of an Aloe vera tooth gel with two popular toothpastes. They found that the gel was just as good, and in some cases even better than the commercial toothpastes at controlling cavity-causing oral bacteria.

Knowing the benefits of Aloe Vera for the skin, it would be wise to use other personal care products also for oneself:

Apart from these, Forever Living also have other nutritional and honey based products which can be found on their site.

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